


KDA strives to be an accountable and people-friendly principal planning and development vehicle of the Township, aiming at providing and continuously improving development works, facilities and services of acceptable standards to resident of Karak Township Karak. KDA attempts to turn Karak Township into an "attainable Town" with combined support of people, private sector and different level of the Government, where overwhelming majority enjoys convenient, healthful and satisfied living.

It further seeks to enable Karak Township to position itself to meet the challenges of the future and to seize opportunities in an effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable manner, the special efforts on challenges triggered by rapidly growing population, ever increasing demands, needs for institutional adjustments and forces of changes within and without. It is committed to help make the Township to a desired living standards of its residents.

1. Development and Maintenance of Township Roads.

2. Development and Maintenance of Township External Electrification System.

3. Development and Maintenance of  Township Sewerage & Drainage System.

4. Development and Maintenance of Township Water Supply System.

5. Development and Maintenance of Township Horticulture..

6. Parks